Iraq Tourist Visa & Business Visa Requirements
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Requirements to obtain VISA to enter Iraq

Passport Information

U.S. Passport or passport of any other nationality, musthave at least 6 months remaining validity from the day of entry into the country for which VISA has been applied for. If validity is less than 6 months ETS will renew your passport (Fee’s apply).

Iraq Visa Requirements

  • Iraqi missions in the following countries are authorized at the present to issue Entry Visas: H.K. of Jordan, Arab Syrian Republic, Lebanon, Egypt Arab Republic, Turkey, Islamic Republic of Iran, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain and France.
  • 2. Entry Visas are to be granted to each of the following: a) Personnel and their families working in diplomatic missions in Iraq as well as Arab, regional and International organizations accredited to Iraq. b) All official delegations from various countries visiting Iraq. c) Businessmen provided that they have official invitations from Iraqi authorities or being introduced as such by their respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs and are supplied with letters from the Chambers of Commerce. d) Students pursuing their studies in Iraq after presenting documents indicating that they are still following their studies. e) Truck drivers after presenting proofs that they are carrying materials and equipment for companies working in the re-construction of Iraq. f) Iraqi husbands and Iraqi wives after presenting legal documents supporting their claims. g) Journalists and public media personnel after submitting applications for Visa either through Iraq’s missions abroad stating the name of which Iraqi mission they want to receive their Visa or through the office of their respective newspaper, news agency or Satellite TV in Baghdad with a letter directed to the Press Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) indicating the name of the Iraqi mission abroad through which they want to receive their Visas, or through the journalist’s Embassy in Baghdad with a note to the Press Department/MFA requesting the Visa and indicating the name of the Iraqi Embassy from which the journalist would like to receive his/her Entry Visa. h) Foreigners of Iraqi origin do not require Entry Visa to Iraq. This will remain in effect until August 2004. i) Entry Visas are granted to members of NGOs on condition that the official Iraqi authority presents a letter to MFA approving its relation with the respective organization. j) Nationals of Coalition countries and countries participating in the multi-national forces (USA, UK, Australia, Italy, Portugal, Ukraine, Holland, Poland, South Korea and Japan) and any country participating with more than 50 troops in the MN force and as follows: i. Holders of diplomatic and service passports of these countries do not require Entry Visas. ii. Official delegations of the above countries do not require Entry Visas. iii. Nationals of the above countries who have contracts with companies working in the re-construction of Iraq do not need Entry Visas provided that their Embassies accredited to Baghdad forward a note to Iraq’s Ministry of Interior with a copy to MFA stating the name of the applicant, his/her company, profession, passport details and duration of stay in Iraq, provided that it does not exceed the end of the current year (2004). The note should state the border Point of Entry to Iraq (land or air). iv. Sub-contractors with the above companies working in the field of re-construction of Iraq do not need Entry Visas provided that the mission of the main contractor accredited in Iraq forwards a note to Iraq’s Ministry of Interior with a copy to MFA clarifying the name of the applicant, his/her nationality, the name of the main contracting companies, passport details, duration of stay in Iraq on condition that it does not exceed the end of the current year (2004) and also the Point of Entry through which he/she wishes to enter Iraq (land or air).
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For more information, please contact the Embassy/Consulate General of Iraq in the U.S.

For Further Information Contact

Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
1801 P Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 483-7500